
Time is The Answer

At the age of 22, she has already given birth to a baby boy.

At the age of 23, he has already started his own business.

At the age of 22, he has already found a job with promising salary.

At the age of 23, she has completed her Master’s degree.

Looking around, you might find some people has had several accomplishments. And as usual, you’ll try to compare their achievements with yours, which later resulted in you pointing out that you are nothing to them.

I do not say that every human being must have this kind of tendency to feel small of themselves yet see high of others. Well, at least, I do that, or did that.

Having Facebook, Instagram, Path, or any kind of social media might be tricky. In one side, you seem to lose no track of your friends, as you get updated on every movement of them. You know where they’re, what they’re up to, and who they’re with now. But in another side, if you always think that you’re a loser in your life, seeing your friends with all of their posts showing them enjoying life, getting another promotion, having a flawless boyfriend/girlfriend, you’ll be likely to be more depressed.

I used to have that kind of feeling too. But now, not anymore.

One important reason is feeling jealous of what others have which you don’t doesn’t make your life better. What makes your life better? You working hard.

I realized that each of us has our own time to enjoy success. It is a short broadcast message that I got from a chat group that enlightened me. The message is:

“New York is 3 hours ahead of California, but it doesn’t mean that California is slow, or that New York is fast. Both are working based on their own time zone.

Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a good job. There is another who graduated at 27 and secured employment immediately!

Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50, while another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years.

Everyone works based on their time zone.

People can have things work out only according to their pace. Work in your time zone.

One of your friends died this morning, and your turn? Not yet, but sure, someday it will be your time, when your time is up, at the right time zone.

You’re not late. You’re not early. You’re very much on time! You’re in your time zone.”

I cut the message short just to make it to the point.

It is like we, or me especially, tend to forget that every success needs time. Quoting Gary Vaynerchuk, there is no overnight success. So, those Instagram posts your friends posted that make you feel jealous are the results of their hard work, or perhaps their rich parents’ which allow them to enjoy life to the fullest. If you yet to have it, don’t be jealous, do not feel bad about yourself. Try to think how grateful you’re, try to list down what you already have.

Be happy about them. Don’t always find a reason to be stressful. Find that one little reason which you never pay attention to but always near you to be grateful.

Then, aim well and work harder and constantly to build a better future! When the time is right, it will give you the answer. 

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